Even CNN has got a hard time to let Bush get away with his latest Act.
Source: YouTube - Cafferty: "What Are We Becoming?" (also see the comments there)
Even CNN has got a hard time to let Bush get away with his latest Act.
Source: YouTube - Cafferty: "What Are We Becoming?" (also see the comments there)
"I want to see them as radically laying down their lives for the gospel as they are in Palestine, Pakistan and all those different places," Pastor Becky Fischer's of the Bible camp in North Dakota said. "Because, excuse me, we have the truth."
More video and other stuff on jesuscampthemovie.com
There, running down the left side of the page, are three covers, all the same, for the European, Asian, and Latin American editions of the October 2 issue.
Each has a dramatic shot of a Taliban fighter shouldering an RPG (rocket-propelled grenade). The cover headline is: "Losing Afghanistan," pointing to a devastating piece on our Afghan War by Ron Moreau, Sami Yousafzai, and Michael Hirsh, "The Rise of Jihadistan." which sports this subhead: "Five years after the Afghan invasion, the Taliban are fighting back hard, carving out a sanctuary where they--and Al Qaeda's leaders--can operate freely."
The one for Newsweek's American edition, no Taliban fighter. No RPG. Instead, a photo of an ash-blond woman with three young children dressed in white, one in her arms, and the headline: "My Life in Pictures." The woman turns out to be Annie Liebovitz, photographer of the stars."
In 2008 The Olympics will be held in China. Human Rights Watch has got a website about this.
The Olympic Rights Movement now include: Amnesty International Free Tibet Campaign Human Rights in China Olympic Watch Oxfam and more.
Some more about China. This a while ago...but still going on...
"Chinese farmers have won a dispute over land rights which culminated in a bloody riot last month in the northern province of Hebei, state media says."
(But did anybody try to see if this is still so, they flood cities so they can build powerplants....)
"The Farmers in Shengyou village, northern Hebei province, were angry they had not been compensated for land proposed for a power plant's ash storage yard."
Link to BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Chinese riot farmers regain land and more on The Washington Post
See Forced eviction scene, photo series on China Digital Times and an article here
But Chinese are less afraid now...
THOUSANDS of Chinese farmers overturned buses, smashed cars and attacked policemen during a riot in a village in eastern China against chemical plants that they say are destroying their crops.
Villagers said that 3,000 police officers armed with electric batons and teargas descended on the village of Huaxi before dawn on Sunday to clear roadblocks that villagers had set up to stop deliveries to and from chemical plants built on land where rice and vegetable farms once stood." more on the Times Online
See also Prisonplanet: "Enslaved, Butchered Chinese Need a Thai-Style Revolution"
If you haven't see this before, see it now!
This is proof that Alex Jones is talking the truth and that he knows his facts. Well most of the time...
Source: Alex Jones warns about attacks before 911 - Google Video
More at infowars.com or see more of his films at Google Video (Like TerrorStorm Deluxe High Quality)
or see some of his friends at MySpace (lots of links there)
Black Listed News is Your Total Resource for
Real Uncensored Daily World News and Commentary
Take a look, lots of interesting stuff.
"Please help me. My name is Nina Kalankow and Vladimir is my father. He is missing somewhere in the Tunguska area and I have not heard from him in 11 days. He always keeps in touch with me, so I’m terrified something has happened to him.
If you read this blog and have any information about my father’s disappearance or whereabouts, please get in contact. He is 6′1, 51 years old with greying hair - and was venturing back into the Tunguska region on 14th September to continue his research on the phenomenon. If you know anything at all about his whereabouts, if there is anything at all you can tell me that will help in the search for him, please get in touch with me at nkalankow@yahoo.de."
Source:Vladimir Kalankow
More at The Insider. The best place to start your own investigation is Wikipedia.
"It has also been suggested that the Tunguska explosion was the result of an experiment by Nikola Tesla at his Wardenclyffe Tower, performed during one of Robert Peary North Pole expeditions. It is claimed that Tesla sent a communication to Peary advising him to be on the alert for 'unusual auroral phenomena' encountered as he attempted to reach the North Pole. However, by the time of the Tunguska event most work at Wardenclyffe had already ended and the site was mostly abandoned. In addition, it is by no means apparent how the small energy input at Wardenclyffe could be responsible for such a large energy output elsewhere." Wikipedia
The Tesla connection is popular on the Internet, see Google-search.
This id a good one:
"Tesla's writings have many references to the use of his wireless power transmission technology as a directed energy weapon. These references are examined in their relationship to the Tunguska explosion of 1908 which may have been a test firing of Tesla's energy weapon."
I am getting a bit lost now:
"Like blind men examining an elephant, we attribute this conspiracy to Jews, Illuminati, Vatican, Jesuits, Freemasons, Black Nobility, and Bildersbergs etc.
The real villains are at the heart of our economic and cultural life. They are the dynastic families who own the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve and associated cartels. They also control the World Bank and IMF and most of the world's Intelligence agencies. Their identity is secret but Rothschild is certainly one of them. The Bank of England was "nationalized" in 1946 but the power to create money remained in the same hands."
More: savethemales.ca - The "Jewish" Conspiracy is British Imperialism
Like the writer says:
"I wasted much of my life getting a conventional education, so I feel I am beginning my education anew."
But I am lost in all theories....
Nobel Prize winner Desmond Tutu has warned that South Africa is in danger of losing its moral direction.
He said it had failed to sustain the idealism that ended apartheid and warned of growing ethnic divisions.
Referring to South Africa's high murder rate and the rape of children as young as nine months, he said the African reverence for life had been lost. The retired Anglican archbishop opposes ex-Vice President Jacob Zuma becoming president due to his "moral failings". Mr Zuma's presidential aspirations received a major boost earlier this month after corruption charges were dropped against him. He was acquitted earlier his year on a rape charge.
Source: BBC NEWS | Africa
More on Wikipedia
See also Desmond Tutu HIV Centre and The Desmond Tutu Peace Centre
Nothing going on at http://www.Belarus-online.com
Amnesty International knows: "Large numbers of peaceful demonstrators are being detained and beaten by riot police and anti-terrorist forces in Belarus in what appears to be an attempt to intimidate demonstrators, according to information obtained by Amnesty International." more here
and: No progress was made in investigating four cases of “disappearance”. Death sentences and executions continued. Human rights defenders were subjected to intimidation and harassment. The government continued to restrict freedom of expression and assembly; opposition activists were arbitrarily detained and allegedly ill-treated by police. Non-governmental organizations including human rights groups continued to be subjected to restrictions and closures. more here
Rense.com: World Mum While Belarus Dictator Brutalizes Nation
Frank Warner says:
Belarus tyrant Alexander Lukashenko, called "Europe’s last dictator" by those who ignore Vladimir Putin, has ordered all radio stations to cut back on non-Belarussian music.
From now on, no more than 1 in 10 musical pieces played on Belarus FM radio may be by foreign artists.
Ironically, Lukashenko already has blacklisted some of Belarus’s most popular bands – Palac, Drum Ecstasy, Neuro Dubel, N.R.M., ZET, Pomidor/OFF and Zmicier Vajciuskievic – for playing at a 2004 concert to protest his undemocratic rule.
Henceforth, Belarus will hear only "I love Lukashenko" music. Dictatorship is so ugly. Source here
"Cuban exiles in Miami do most of the writing and acting for TV Martí, which was moved here from Washington in 1996 after intense lobbying by exile leaders. On a recent episode of “Office of the Chief,” which TV Martí calls its most popular show, an actor playing Raúl Castro said he would mummify Fidel Castro when he died by wrapping him in the pages of a book by Karl Marx, then display him on Havana’s seaside boulevard.
The laugh track went wild.
For years, though, critics of the stations have called them overly blunt tools in what should be a nuanced campaign to promote democracy in Cuba.
“The really shrill, outrageous kind of stuff they broadcast has no credibility in Cuba,” said John Nichols, a communications professor at Pennsylvania State University who studies Radio and TV Martí."
Source: U.S. Pushes Anti-Castro TV, but Is Anyone Watching? - New York Times and TV Marti
Rice spoke on TV Marti -- which aim to provide balanced news coverage -- are produced by the Office of Cuba Broadcasting, an element of the U.S. International Broadcasting Bureau.
And see Radio and TV Martí: Washington Guns after Castro at Any Cost
US Patent Issued In 1995
"Just whip out your Rain Curtain, and blow up it's inflatable ring cap. The round, spoke-like configuration gives it enough rigidity to hold the sheer shower curtain walls away from your body for total hands-free protection".
Source: Rain Curtain - Totally Absurd Inventions & Patents, America's Goofiest Patents
Actual Patent Illustration - All Inventions Hold Real USA Patents
More great inventions on Totally Absurd
Al Gore explains and warns for Global Warning with his (sometimes a bit to personal) film An Inconvenient Truth
"Carbon dioxide and other gases warm the surface of the planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. This is a good thing because it keeps our planet habitable. However, by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil and clearing forests we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere and temperatures are rising.
There is no doubt we can solve this problem. In fact, we have a moral obligation to do so. Small changes to your daily routine can add up to big differences in helping to stop global warming. The time to come together to solve this problem is now – TAKE ACTION "
"As vice president, Gore was a chief architect of the Kyoto Protocol, the historic accord on reducing carbon-dioxide emissions. But the Senate refused to ratify the treaty, calling the evidence "inconclusive." Now that the scientific consensus is irrefutable, Gore considers it "damned immoral" that the White House and Congress continue to block action on global warming. "This is an emergency of historic proportions," he says. "We are in a race against time. There is a brave and hearty band of about two percent of Washington officials who are working on this, but ninety-eight percent are in denial." Source: Rolling Stone : The Avenger
News about Al Gore, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times. Also see Wikipedia
"The pathway Gore described began with "immediately freezing [carbon dioxide] emissions and then beginning sharp reductions." Reminiscent of the nuclear freeze of the '70s, Gore's proposed carbon freeze "has the virtue of being clear, simple, and easy to understand," he argued. "It can attract support across partisan lines as a logical starting point for the more difficult work that lies ahead." More on AlGore.org
The Resurrection of Al Gore in wired magazine
He invented the Internet (sort of). He became President (almost). Now Al Gore has found his true calling: using the power of technology to save the world.
Not only a good guy: Al Gore's Skeleton Closet
But don't worry, it's all bull, they say here:
They are hiding the real climatological change now under way: the increase in aerosol particulates, including the sulphur and nitrous oxides from coal burning (sources of so-called acid rain), and the aromatic or cyclical particulates of diesel, gas and oil burning, which engage a new atmospheric chemistry whose end products are low-level concentrations of ozone and the trapping of water vapor and carbon monoxide near the ground. Read more of these people...GLOBAL WARMING': AN OFFICIAL PSEUDOSCIENCE
Michael Meacher UK ex minister and Andreas von Bulow German ex minister revealing their ideas about 9-11. See this!!
Link to september eleven: interview from the Nederland tv (2005) of 2 ex ministers - Google Video
The Maldives Royal Family have a critic website.
Among lots of other things a piece about this:
Cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of women such as wives and domestic servants from Asian countries is an acute problem in wealthy Arab countries. Domestic violence or, more precisely, wife-beating is widespread in all Arab countries and other countries burdened by the yoke of Arab colonialism, such as the Maldives.
Whenever the issue is raised, detractors hasten to parrot out a litany of statistics of domestic violence here in the civilised world. The Western statistics are extensive because there are systems in place that make it easy for victims to seek legal redress. Few care to point out that in the West no one claims that wife-beating is a divine right of men over women.
It quotes a Friday sermon aired live on Qatar television on 27 August 2004:
The intelligent people in the [West] admit that a woman does not feel comfort and is not happy unless she's under a man who commands, forbids, controls, and leads. This is the nature of people according to Allah's creation. Allah has created woman, whether Muslim or infidel, so she is happy under a strong man who will protect her and lives with her. It is not surprising, then, that a French woman came before a judge in the land of false freedom and equality and said: "I don't want this husband." The judge asked her: "Why?" and she replied: "He didn't lead me, didn't oppress me, didn't castigate me, didn't talk to me violently, didn't say: Don’t do this, do that." The judge replied: "Don't [his actions] support those who call for equality between man and woman?" The infidel woman answered, "No, no, I don't want him to compete with me, I want a man who leads and rules me."
Source: Maldives Royal Family Official Website: Wife beating
Humans never went to the moon.
What Happened on the Moon Part on Google Video
NASA keep saying "Moon rocks and common sense prove Apollo astronauts really did visit the Moon".
Is this true or is it disinfo?
"We all knew then we all realized that this was not some group of unorganized cave dwellers from Afghanistan orchestrating a perfect hit on American soil. It was impossible. Shortly after the Pentagon was struck I called my close friend that I went to Basic Training with. All civilian lines were down and I had to contact him via STU which is a black line classified phone system. He did not answer, but one of his soldiers did. I asked if SGT Worthington was ok and he said yes. I asked if the plane did severe damage and he told me I didn't see any plane. Then when I finally got to speak to my friend, he started acting strange saying he could not talk about the incident over this line. He was shipped off overseas a few weeks later and I never to this day have had the chance to speak with him."
SGT Lauro Chavez
United States Central Command
Wikipedia is a good starting point for a search, but this list is better.
We can learn from the Poles:
Article 13 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland states:
Political parties and other organizations whose programs are based upon totalitarian methods and the modes of activity of nazism, fascism and communism, as well as those whose programs or activities sanction racial or national hatred, the application of violence for the purpose of obtaining power or to influence the State policy, or provide for the secrecy of their own structure or membership, shall be prohibited.
The German far-right party the NPD is contesting seats in two upcoming state elections. Mike Swanson looks at its chances of gaining power.
Germany's extreme right-wing National Democratic Party (NPD) is trying to muscle its way into two state parliaments where elections are due in a few days' time.
Police in Berlin have reported a growing number of attacks by rightists on rallies and information booths organized by their political rivals in the run up to the 17 September vote in the German capital.
"There has never been such an aggressive election campaign on the streets of Berlin since the end of the war," wrote Andreas Kopietz in the newspaper Berliner Zeitung. Source: Expatica
See also: Far right fuels German angst - BBC and The extreme-right NPD wins seats in German election - WSWS.org and Wikipedia has a extended page full of info.
The NPD-site is here, they try to look like a 'normal' party. The US-nazi's at National Vanguard call them: Friends in Germany: The National Democratic PartyIs it a coincidence that Narcissistic Personality Disorder is also called NPD?
The Clinton Body Count: Bill Clinton has been quietly doing away with those who oppose him. This is a list of 48 people who in one way or an other stood in his way and died in mysterious circumstances.
This was while he was president of the USA. Or is Chirs Wallace a new candidate?
This is the first 20 minutes of Bill Clinton’s interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. In this clip, Wallace asks Clinton why he didn’t do more to capture or kill Osama bin Laden while he was in office. Clinton clearly feels like he has been set up and doesn’t hold back in telling Wallace just how he feels. It really just start at 4.15 minutes into the clip.
Source: Clinton Interviewed on Fox News Sunday - Google Video
The government continued to fail in its duty to uphold and protect the right to food, exacerbating the effects of the long-standing food crisis. Chronic malnutrition among children and urban populations, especially in the northern provinces, was widespread. Fundamental rights, including freedom of expression, association and movement, continued to be denied. Access by independent monitors continued to be severely restricted. There were reports of widespread political imprisonment, torture and ill-treatment, and of executions.
Source: North Korea - Amnesty International
Watch this!
Poor street-children are hungry while other people eat.....
North Korea - Children of the Secret State
UNESCO thinks: "Due to the authoritarian government, very little data is known about the street children situation in DPRK."
Venezuela has made a formal complaint to the US authorities and the United Nations after its foreign minister was detained at a New York airport.
The US state department has apologised to Nicolas Maduro who was detained for 90 minutes at New York's JFK airport as he travelled home.
He had been attending this week's UN General Assembly meeting.
He said he was verbally abused and strip-searched in what he said was a "flagrant breach of international law". more at BBC-World
Fox's Full Day Of "Fair & Balanced" Questions About Chavez & The U.N.
When he called President Bush the devil earlier this week, Hugo Chavez was practically begging for press coverage -- and it worked.
see a list at: mediabistro.com: TVNewser
See the first part of his UN speech with his book recomadation.
"I would like to invite you, very respectfully, to those who have not read this book, to read it. ... I think that the first people who should read this book are our brothers and sisters in the United States, because their threat is right in their own house."
The US reaction to Chavez remarks:
She's criticizing those who abuse the ignorance of the people and their own power and use Islam as the shield.
And like ANY other religion, you have shit heads like that. Any sect of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, etc,etc. Hell even the lauded Dalai Lama is an arrogant nationalist bastard.
Islam is not the enemy. It is ignorance.
Ignorance of both non-Muslims and Muslims alike.
Source: YouTube, found via the Sacredcow Forum
Britches was the name given by researchers to a stumptail macaque monkey who was born into a breeding colony at the University of California, Riverside in March 1985. He was removed from his mother at birth as part of a psychology experiment into maternal deprivation, and had his eyelids sewn shut as part of a three-year sight-deprivation study involving 24 infant monkeys.
Britches was removed from the laboratory, along with 700 other animals, when he was five weeks old during a raid on April 20, 1985 by the Animal Liberation Front (ALF). The ALF made a videotape of their raid and of Britches' condition when they found him. As a result of the publicity when the video was released by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and after condemnation of the experiments by scientists and the American Council of the Blind, eight of the 17 studies interrupted by the raid were not restarted, and the university stopped allowing baby monkey's eyes to be sewn shut, according to reports filed by the university with the government.Dr. Grant Mack, president of the American Council of the Blind, called the experiment "one of the most repugnant and ill-conceived boondoggles that I've heard about for a long time."
Source: Britches (monkey) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and you can see the video at cyrano also.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21 — President Bush and three Republican senators said this afternoon that they had reached an agreement on legislation to clarify which interrogation techniques can be used against terror suspects and to establish trial procedures for those in military custody.
“We did our duty,” said Senator John W. Warner of Virginia, chairman of the Armed Services Committee, one of the three. He noted that the legislation would still need close study by both houses of Congress.
Mr. Warner and the other two rebellious Republicans, Senators John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, met at the White House with Stephen J. Hadley, the national security adviser, who stood behind Mr. Warner’s shoulder as the senator announced the agreement.
“It is good news and a good day for the American people,” Mr. Hadley said.
Source: New York Times
Hang in there, America!
Get your coffee mugs, buttons and T-shirts here.
Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004 was a day that surprised the 59,439,413 of Americans who did NOT vote for George W. Bush.
Together they can minimize the damage of this administration and ensure that a positive change begins on Bush's Last Day, January 20, 2009.
There are still some more sane Americans:
TrueMajority Members Making a Difference
Even in Dark Times, Together We Can Do Good Things
A service that watches Washington for you and offers opportunities to have your voice heard in the halls of power (that's us – TrueMajority). So far this year, more than 617,000 of you have responded to those opportunities by writing, calling and visiting your representatives to keep them focused on America's true values. Here's a short report on how those campaigns are going. more here
I don't live in Turkey, so I may say this:
The Armenian Genocide (Armenian: Հայոց Ցեղասպանություն, Turkish: Ermeni Soykırımı) — also known as the Armenian Holocaust, Great Calamity (Մեծ Եղեռն) or the Armenian Massacre — refers to the forced mass evacuation and related deaths of hundreds of thousands or over a million Armenians, during the government of the Young Turks from 1915 to 1917 in the Ottoman Empire. Some main aspects of the event are a matter of ongoing dispute among the academic community and between parts of the international community and Turkey. Although it is generally agreed that events comprising the Armenian Genocide did occur, the Turkish government and several international historians reject the label "genocide," and claim that the deaths among the Armenians were not a result of a state-sponsored plan of mass extermination, but of inter-ethnic strife, disease and famine during the turmoil of World War I.
Despite this disagreement, most Armenian, Russian, Western, and an increasing number of Turkish scholars term the massacres a genocide. For example, most Western sources point to the sheer scale of the death toll as evidence for a systematic, organized plan to eliminate the group. The event is also said to be the second-most studied case of genocide,[1]" and often draws comparison with the Holocaust and the Holodomor. To date 21 countries, as discussed below, have officially described it as genocide.
Source: Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More on: The Forgotten (in Flashy Flash), a very good site with lots of information here, Genocide 1915 and on this map on The Armenian National Institute you can see the extend of this genocide. And there is a lot more, do your own search so we do not forget.
Test pilots, engineers and investigators explain the Nazi programme for space travel and contact with aliens. Look at the evidence and decide for urself.
A very good archive, as mentioned in previous post but it deserves a own mention here.
Source: The WE — a journey of life
Like this documentary I found there:
Ludicrous Diversion - 7/7 London Bombings Documentary
Torture may be worse now in Iraq than under former leader Saddam Hussein, the UN's chief anti-torture expert says.
Manfred Nowak said the situation in Iraq was "out of control", with abuses being committed by security forces, militia groups and anti-US insurgents.
Bodies found in the Baghdad morgue "often bear signs of severe torture", said the human rights office of the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq in a report.
Source: BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iraq torture 'worse after Saddam'
More: Latest UNAMI Human Rights Report on Iraq calls for firm action to tackle old and new human rights violations in Iraq and see here the site of the Iraki Government.
Here you can find an Archive of Abuse and Torture by UK-troops, with links at the bottom, among them US War Crimes
90 minutes of pure demolition evidence and analysis, laced with staggering witness testimonials. Moving from "the myth" through "the ... all » analysis" and into "the players," careful deconstruction of the official story set right alongside clean, clear science. The 9/11 picture is not one of politics or nationalism or loyalty, but one of strict and simple physics. How do you get a 10-second 110-story pancake collapse?
Source: 911 Mysteries - Demolitions (Part 1 of 3) - Google Video
In view of the latest coup in Thailand, we bring you:
THAI TV GLOBAL NETWORK (TGN) is the first and only satellite TV broadcasting center in Thailand operated by the Royal Thai Army. Global’s primary objective is to serve as a channel to distribute news, information and entertainment to viewers around the world.
Angry demonstrators occupied the state television headquarters on Liberty Square in the heart of Budapest, Hungary. The people had been gathering at Kossuth square (in front of the parliament, pretty near to Liberty square) since Sunday evening, with the strong will to send away the government. Before that on the same day a record was leaked with a speech from Gyurcsány Ferenc, the prime minister. The tape was recorded during a closed meeting of the ruling socialist parties fraction in may, after they have won the elections.
The revolutionary 10 points.
Let there be peace, liberty and unity.
1./ Disband parliament! Autonomy instead of Authority!
2./ [let there be a]Contributive democracy!
3./ Bring our troops back [from abroad], and send home all foreign troops! [let there be]Peace!
4./ [let there be]Liberal, independent and contributive media!
5./ Equal taxes, equal social services! Stop the rule of capital and multinational companies!
6./ Local agriculture, without GM technology!
7./ Open up uninhabited buildings [for all]! [let there be]Community places and homes for people!
8./ Autonomy for the Universities!
9./ Civil and social services shall not serve capitalistic interests!
10./ Solidaristic society instead of dependence on social services!
(September 18th group)More on News24: "Hungarians riot over PM's lies" and in the Guardian: "150 injured as Hungarians riot over PM's lies" or at ITN: "Hungarians riot after PM admits lying"
I live in the Netherlands where it is easy and legal to buy hash and pot for your own use and there are hardly any problems. It is different in the USA.
"Police arrested an estimated 786,545 persons for marijuana violations in 2005, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's annual Uniform Crime Report, released today. The total is the highest ever recorded by the FBI, and comprised 42.6 percent of all drug arrests in the United States."
"These numbers belie the myth that police do not target and arrest minor marijuana offenders," said NORML Executive Director Allen St. Pierre, who noted that at current rates, a marijuana smoker is arrested every 40 seconds in America. "This effort is a tremendous waste of criminal justice resources that diverts law enforcement personnel away from focusing on serious and violent crime, including the war on terrorism."
Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, says Benedict XVI. See the 1910 Catholic Encyclopedia: "What is really good in Mohammedan ethics is either commonplace or borrowed from some other religions, whereas what is characteristic is nearly always imperfect or wicked."
Pope Benedict XVI hit out at Islam and its concept of Holy War during one of the last public appearances of his six-day visit to his Bavarian homeland.
The thinly-veiled attack on extremist Islam's justification for terrorism came in a complex theological lecture to staff and students at the University of Regensburg, where the former Joseph Ratzinger taught theology in the 1970s.
Using the words, "Jihad" and "Holy War" in his lecture, the pope quoted criticisms of the Prophet Mohammed by a 14th Century Byzantine Christian emperor, Manuel II.
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached," Benedict quoted him as saying in a contemporary debate with a learned Persian.
Source: Middle East Online
"It is not surprising that the world's leading terrorist state had carpeted southern Lebanon with cluster bombs in the last 72 hours of the recent Israel-Hizbollah conflict. According to Jan Egeland, the United Nations Humanitarian Aid chief, 90% of those bombs were dropped by the Israeli Air force after the Israeli authorities knew that UN ceasefire Resolution 1701 was about to be adopted by the Security Council.
The US State Department has said that it is investigating Israel's alleged abuse of cluster bombs in the recent conflict in Lebanon. No one expects the US to punish or penalise Israel. After all, the US itself has been using cluster bombs for decades. From Laos and Cambodia to Guatemala and Nicaragua, this is a weapon of war that has brought death and misery to thousands of innocent human beings." Sun2Surf (from Malaysia)
More at YaLibnan or Channel 4 News
Also read: Unexploded cluster bombs prompt fear and fury in returning refugees
Inside the struggle between prisoners and guards for influence, power and control at the prison.
Rather good (but American) presentation about Guantanamo Prison Camp.
Link to The New York Times > Magazine > Interactive Feature > The Battle for Guantanamo
On Reporters without Borders:
"There are instigators and powerful people behind press freedom violations whose responsibility is not always apparent. Whether presidents, ministers, chiefs of staff, religious leaders or the heads of armed groups, these predators of press freedom have the power to censor, imprison, kidnap, torture and, in the worst cases, murder journalists. To better expose them, Reporters Without Borders has produced these portraits."
Like in Burma:
Than Shwe
Head of government
The paranoid head of the military council that has ruled the country since 1988, he decided to transfer the national capital to the remote central plateau, making it even harder for journalists to do their job. The council imposes prior censorship on all publications. Than Shwe has a personal hatred of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi and 75-year-old veteran journalist Win Tin, who has been in prison since July 1989. He also maintains a blacklist of more than 50 foreign journalists banned from the country. Source: Reporters sans frontières - Belarus
More on Than on New Internationalist
Bush tries to intimidate Lauer when questioned on torture
Source: YouTube - Bush tries to indiminate Lauer when questioned on torture
In August 1996, a Greek Cypriot demonstrator, Anastasios (Tasos) Isaak, was beaten to death by the Turkish occupation forces, and Turkish thugs.
At about 16:00 hours, the Turkish Forces allowed the Turkish Cypriot demonstrators to enter the United Nations buffer zone armed with bats and iron bars. The Turkish Cypriot demonstrators, joined by the Turkish Cypriot Police, then proceeded to pursue the Greek Cypriots and mercilessly beat all those who they were able to catch. At the same time, there was shooting, including by Turkish Cypriot police, from behind the Turkish Forces cease-fire line towards the Greek Cypriot demonstrators.
An interview with the identified murderer of Solomou in weekly "Aktuel". Although he denies being there during the murder, he says: "I felt sorry for not being there. I wish I was there. I could have pulled the trigger at least once. I wish I was there, definitely I was going to shoot. Why are you making the killing of a dog sound so important?".
See pictures of the murder here.
And there is still no solution for the Cypriot problem.
Source: Human Rights Action Wikipedia
Originally broadcast as a three-part mini-series on the BBC, "The Power of Nightmares" is a sprawling, intellectually ambitious documentary about the political phenomenon usually referred to in journalistic shorthand as the war on terror. The source of the film's novelty — and of its considerable provocation — lies in its insistence that the enemy is more of a fantasy than an actual threat.
Link to power of nightmares - Google Video Search for part two and three
After a deep sleep of 5 years the media here in the Netherlands are slowly wakening.
Source: De media worden wakker
On the ALF site, there is a Video of the Rescue of Britches
"The second case concerned Britches, a newborn stumptail macaque monkey. Ungainly, with large sticky-out ears, he was nevertheless beautiful. Like any other baby macaque, he would have had huge round eyes and would have spent the early months, even years of his life clinging to his mother. Neither of those things applied to Britches because immediately after birth at the University of California’s research centre at Riverside, Los Angeles, in 1985, he was removed from his mother and his eyelids were stitched together."
More and the video here. (or see Britches on PETA-TV)
But it is nothing better than having a nice fashionable piece of fur on your coat, see this movie
Undercover Investigation: China's Fur Farms Lady Heather Mills McCartney presents this shocking video. Heather tells viewers that while the footage may be difficult to watch, it is our responsibility as consumers to know where the products that we buy come from and to make informed and compassionate choices. (PETA-TV)
Revealing but often too religious presentation of all kind of conspiracies.
"America has been the targets of the Jesuits and Popes since 1776. With help of France who had banished the Jesuits from their country at that time, America fought for it's freedom against King George III and won.
But slowly the infiltrating Jesuits have come in and have now brought America under the control of the dictator in Rome (The White Pope who is under the control of the Black Pope and his Jesuit army)"
Source: Who Infiltrated America? Jesuits? - Google Video (There is also a part 2)
Very good video about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Link to Protocols of the elders of Zion - Google Video.
"The Protocols of the (Learned) Elders of Zion, also The Protocols of the Sages of Zion or The Protocols of Zion (Russian: "Протоколы Сионских мудрецов" or "Сионские Протоколы"), is a text purporting to describe a plan to achieve global domination by Jews. Numerous independent investigations have repeatedly proven it to be a hoax; most notably, a series of articles printed in The Times of London in 1921 revealed that much of the material in the Protocols was plagiarized from earlier political satire that did not have an anti-Semitic theme." (NationMaster Encyclopedia)
This is a rather good site for a startingpoint to examine this.
You can read the Protocols here on http://www.biblebelievers.org.au witch says it all....
Here is more anti-jew Protocols bullshit, Jew Watch is a weird scary site. There is a lot more on the Internet about this.
"Belgian police raided 20 army barracks and soldiers' homes across the country yesterday in an investigation into extreme-right activists believed to be operating inside the military, a police source said.
Federal police were hunting for evidence of arms trafficking and membership of groups that incite racial hatred, the source said, adding that e-mails had been found, indicating that there was an organized group operating in the military.
"You can't have people who are in the army and supposed to be protecting democracy being involved in groups like this," the police source said.
Support for the far-right anti-immigrant Vlaams Belang party has grown in Dutch-speaking Flanders and Belgium has seen a recent spate of apparently racist crimes."
More: BBC News Los Angeles Times Gulf News Guardian Unlimited
This is the website of the organization (Bloed, Bodem, Eer, Trouw) the soldiers belong to.
More about Antisemitism in Belgium at the Stephen Roth Institute from the Tel Aviv University
Belgium has a fascist past: Knight's Cross Holder SS-Sturmbannführer Lèon Degrelle Commander of the Wallonie Division, 1943 - 45 picture don't work, but shocking anyway. Even more shocking are the Revisionists.
And of course is Belgium home of the Vlaams Blok/Vlaams Belang. See some pictures here and more here.
Movie proving George Bush Sr guilt in JFK assassination.
Movie: JFK George Bush Sr C.I.A. CIA Link Conspiracy - Google Video
From Tom Flocco.com:
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover wrote the memo referring to the Bush Sr. briefing; and on the night before Kennedy arrived in Dallas, Hoover met with others at the Dallas ranch of Texas oil baron and Dallas Cowboys owner Colin J. “Clint” Murchison, Jr., according to retired Army Brigadier General William Penn Jones—evidence meritorious enough to warrant a new probe since there is no statute of limitations involving murder of a sitting president, covered up by the Warren Commission. George H. W. Bush and Richard Nixon joined Hoover that night in Dallas at the Murchison gathering on November 21, 1963 before Kennedy arrived the next day, according to alleged Kennedy co-conspirator and spotter Frank Sturgis—victim of a covered-up poisoning death in October 1992 prior to the Bush-Clinton November election. [Click here to examine Hoover FBI memo proving that George H.W. Bush was a CIA member at the time of the JFK assassination.]
Did the Bushes help to kill JFK? ( JFK Murder Solved )
But also: Bush jr Killed JFK jr.
But Jack Ruby (killer of Oswald) knows it:
In the comments it said: "Ruby was forced by someone to kill Oswald, and thus silence him. That's all there is to it. Anybody who tells you he was just another lone nut like Oswald, is either stupid, or a disinformation agent."
Arabic TV channel Al-Jazeera has broadcast what it says is unseen footage of Osama Bin Laden meeting some of the 9/11 hijackers.
The channel said it showed al-Qaeda leaders "preparing for the attacks and practising their execution".
Source: BBC NEWS | Middle East | Bin Laden '9/11 video' broadcast
Please tell me how it is possible that the background behind the so-called terrorist shows a burning twin towers? The image on the left is definitely a picture of 9-11.
Long-term approach: Advancing effective democracy at www.whitehouse.gov
"Subcultures of conspiracy and misinformation. Terrorists recruit more effectively from populations whose information about the world is contaminated by falsehoods and corrupted by conspiracy theories. The distortions keep alive grievances and filter out facts that would challenge popular prejudices and self-serving propaganda." (With other words Shut Up, it's all the critics fault)
and further on:
"Establish and maintain international standards of accountability. States that have sovereign rights also have sovereign responsibilities, including the responsibility to combat terrorism" ( See Terrorstorm on who the terrorists are )
Source: NSCT - Strategy for Winning the War on Terror
More on InfoWars
First they told all the world they are talking crap and suddenly President Bush has acknowledged the existence of secret CIA prisons and said 14 key terrorist suspects have now been sent to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
"Mr Bush said the CIA had used an "alternative set of procedures", agreed with the justice department, once suspects had stopped talking. ..but denied the use of torture." (just take a look at the pictures please...or see this site!)
More: BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush admits to CIA secret prisons
European campaigners call for more details on CIA secret prison program
More pictures of how the travel arrangements are see: Leaked Photos of "Detainees" Being Transported to Guantanamo Bay
Official U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo) Site " Welcome to the website for the oldest overseas U.S. Naval Base and the only one in a country with which the U.S. does not maintain diplomatic relations."
Before you like to join The Marines, (The Few, The Proud, The Psychotic) read this piece on Educate-Yourself
If you're tired of all the torture allegations, of hearing the media imply that handling a Quran without gloves on is the moral equivalent of beheading someone, and of all the hysteria about enemy combatants, you'll enjoy the Gitmo Cookbook.
On Thursday, July 17th sometime between 3 and 3:30pm, Dr. David Kelly started out on his usual afternoon walk. About 18 hours later, searchers found his body, left wrist slit, in a secluded lane on Harrowdown Hill. Kelly, the U.K.'s premier microbiologist, was in the center of a political maelstrom having been identified as the "leak" in information about the "dossier" Prime Minister Tony Blair had used to justify the war against Iraq.
While the Hutton inquiry appears set to declare Kelly's death a suicide and the national media are already treating it as a given, there are numerous red flags raised in the testimony and evidence at the inquiry itself.
More: THE MURDER OF DAVID KELLY (www.fromthewilderness.com) This is written in 2003!
British LibDem MP Norman Baker is now two months into a private, year-long investigation into the death of Dr David Kelly. In a debut TV appearance on the subject screened Sunday July 2 2006 - GMTV’s ‘The Sunday Programme’ - Mr Baker invited those with relevant information to contact him. He will be producing a report or book on his findings next year, but his stated aim is above all to arrive at the truth. Video on PrisonPlanet.
Dark Actors at the Scene of David Kelly's Death (2003)
Here is the BBC view on this: "In Depth: The Hutton Report"
Here is the PrisonPlanet Archive: "News Archive: Murder of Dr David Kelly"
Oral evidence - Taken before the Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday 15 July 2003
Serious Belgian talkhost talking about how people react to their handicaps after an operation.
Did we know the Nazi's had plans to colonize South-America?
Link to NY Daily Mirror article: "Mirror Exposed Nazi Setup for S. America" 10/30/41
and a map here: "This is the Map Roosevelt Meant". More Original Documents.
We know that after the war lots of high-ranking Germans went to South-America:
Josef Mengele and Martin Bormann (more here) lived in Hohenau in Paraguay until they died. Adolf Eichmann was abducted from Argentina to Israel and was hanged there (more on Wikipedia). And others are still on the loose, see here.
Read here about perόn and the nazi's. A very large site with lots of interesting links.
On June 6, 1947, Argentina's first lady Eva Peron left for a glittering tour of Europe.
Eva Peron, known as "Evita" by her adoring followers, was superficially on a trip to strengthen diplomatic, business and cultural ties between Argentina and important leaders of Europe.
But there was a parallel mission behind the high-profile trip, one that has contributed to a half century of violent extremism in Latin America.
According to records now emerging from Swiss archives and the investigations of Nazi hunters, an unpublicized side of Evita's world tour was coordinating the network for helping Nazis relocate in Argentina. More on Evita, Swiss & the Nazis
For more info read this book or see wikipedia about ODESSA (German: Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen, "Organization of Former SS-Members") and one of its leaders Otto Skorzeny (see picture of this scarface).
What's the true story on South American Nazis?
Not all Nazi's get away with it all:
Argentina has deported a former Nazi to Chile, where he is wanted on charges of sexually abusing children. More here. More about Colonia Dignidad in Spanish but a good site. And on wikipedia.
The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman, South End Press, 1979, is also interesting stuff to read.
Even weirder is Nueva Germania ("New Germania"), a village in rural Paraguay. It was founded in 1888 in a remote jungle as a racially pure, utopian settlement of the Aryan race by Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche (the sister of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche), and her husband, the anti-Semitic agitator Bernhard Förster. (wikipedia)
Traces can still be found.
It gets even weirder: Dick Cheney and Nueva Germania: "a Wagner-loving San Francisco composer who is mounting a determined crusade to rebuild the Aryan dream and has sought assistance from Vice President Dick Cheney.."
And to round it up with part 1 of this series: The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination
www.prisonplanet.com and www.infowars.com are offline, this must be a conspiracy!
Infowars: National Radio Broadcaster and Documentary Filmmaker Alex Jones Presents Infowars.com to Battle the New World Order Because There's a War on for Your Mind!Prisonplanet: The Earth Is Being Turned Into A Prison!
Oh, it's back online, the industrial military complex didn't dare to keep him offline...