On February 6th 2008, Marc Emery, Michelle Rainey and Greg Williams appeared in BC Supreme Court to schedule dates for the extradition hearing. However, because plea deal negotiations are underway between Marc Emery's lawyer and the governments of the US and Canada, the court appearance was adjourned to March 5th, 2008. Once the deal proposal is finalized and offered to Marc for review (which may or may not happen before March 5th), Marc will decide whether to accept it or not. If he doesn't want to accept the proposed deal, a court appearance will be scheduled to set new extradition hearing dates. If he does accept the deal, he will have 30 to 60 days of freedom left before being temporarily extradited to the United States. (See the
No Extradition forum in the CC Forums for more information and discussion.)
No Extradition for Marc Emery, Michelle Rainey, or Greg Williams