24 Feb 2008

Men who take Viagra 'put their fertility at risk'

Using Viagra may be damaging men's fertility, researchers have warned. Experiments suggest that the anti-impotence drug can harm sperm and may prevent some men from fathering families.

In particular, young men who use the drug recreationally could impair their ability to have families. And fertility clinics that prescribe Viagra to help men produce sperm for IVF treatments could be preventing some couples from conceiving.

'I think it is worrying that some IVF clinics are using Viagra in order to boost fertility results,' said Dr David Glenn, a consultant gynaecologist at Queen's University Belfast. 'Couples that go there for treatment are, by definition, already having problems getting pregnant. Giving male partners something that could make the problem worse is scarcely the right approach.'

Men who take Viagra 'put their fertility at risk' | Science | The Observer