4 Dec 2010

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has close links to the Economist, controlled by the Rothschild banking family

Assange has not only won awards from the Rothschild banking family’s financial publications; he also won an award from Amnesty International, which works closely with the UN, itself associated with the IMF, the World Bank profiting politically and financially from the gigantic national debts saddled on country’s by banks with the help of compliant politicians.

Assange’s latest Wikileaks have been hyped by the mainstream media around the world as a major diplomatic row and destabilising factor in spite of the fact that they are largely trivial gossip and news items that are in alignment with the Globalist’s goals.


If Assange were a real activist, he would not be getting any coverage from the mainstream media, let alone so headlines every day in every well known corporate media outlet. The alleged hide and seek between Assange and the US government as well as Interpol is played out on the theatrical stage of the world’s media when it is well known the US government and Interpol can arrest anyone they want virtually any time they want given their immense resources.

The Economist (owned by members of the Rothschild banking family of England. It is run by the Economist Group, a known CIA front) and FT were also among the corporate media that consistently hyped the swine flu pandemic and the need for vaccines last April while blocking information about the incident where Baxter contaminated 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine with the bird flu virus in its biosecurity level 3 labs — virtually ruling out an accident — and so nearly triggered a global bird flu pandemic.

Case About Bird Flu