13 Nov 2009

Eating to Save the Environment

Welcome to the ugly side of eating meat. I bet it never crossed your mind to think about what happens to the animals. I think the best way to show this to you is through the use of pictures. Hopefully you don’t have a weak stomach…

Lets take a look at Cows…

One million calves are raised for veal annually in the United States—intensively confined in individual stalls so small they can’t turn around during their entire 16- to 18-week lives before slaughter. Widely known for their inherent cruelty, veal crates are being phased out in Europe—yet remain in use throughout the United States.


Dairy cows are so overburdened that they are considered “productive” for only two years and typically are slaughtered when four years old, their bodies battered and weak.

Just in the United States, approximately 35 million cattle are killed for beef, 9 million cows are raised for milk, and 1 million calves are raised for veal yearly. Now you have to understand, these killings are brutal, and are done without thinking of the animal at all. Most cows are slaughtered when they are 4 years old. Their 4 year life involves them being castrated, dehorned and branded without any anesthesia

More about Eating to Save the Environment on Greenbudget’s Blog