These are the facts of the case:
1. It's now admitted (June 2013) that there was a police bomb training at the EXACT time and location where the "bombs" when off
2. The captured brother was videotaped carrying a WHITE, not a black one
3. An eye witness reported that the killed brother was hit by a police car and then shot - he was not run over by his fleeing brother
4. The captured brother was photographed functional and non-bloody when he surrendered. He went to the hospital on a gurney, covered in blood with a wound to his throat so serious he was put in intensive care
5. One of the friends of the accused - who was unarmed and on crutches - was shot by an FBI agent SEVEN times during an interview and this murder is still unexplained. The original report said he attached the agent with a samurai sword. A lie.
If you still think Boston was real, watch this: The story of the Boston "hero"