4 Mar 2012

The evacuation of Belo Monte has begun!

You feel nothing? I understand, you do not know what is Belo Monte. What this country is Brazil, with a hypocritical society unable to put a stop to this policy rotten.  LETS STOP THE INSANITY IN OUR BEAUTIFUL BLUE GLOBE PLEASEEE!!!; Unfortunate examples such as the construction of the hydroelectric plants of Tucuruí (PA) and Balbina (AM), the last built in the Amazon in the 1970s and 1980s, there is evidence.


Displaced communities and flooded huge tracts of land and destroyed the fauna and flora of these regions. Balbina, 146 km from Manaus, meant flooding of the Indian reservation Atroari, fish killed, food shortages and hunger for local people. In contrast, it was the supply of electricity for the local population was not met. The disaster was such that in 1989, the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA), after analysing the situation in the Uatumã River where the dam was built, completed by his biological death. In Tucuruí it was not much different. Nearly ten thousand families were left without their lands, indigenous and riverine. Given this situation, in relation to the Belo Monte, one must wonder how anti-democratic as the project was being conducted, the cost-effectiveness of the work, the fate of energy to be produced and the lack of an energy policy for the country favors alternative energy.

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