3 Nov 2011

The Untold Story of the Genocide of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada

Exposure of the Canadian genocide on aboriginal peoples in Canada has simultaneously indicted the social order that gave rise to it. Euro-Canadian Christian society as a whole stands condemned in the dock alongside those persons who ran the Indian residential schools, sterilized and murdered children, spread smallpox, and dug mass graves.

Despite their best efforts to ignore this fact and contain the whole matter with pseudo “apologies”, the Canadian government and its partner Catholic, Anglican and United churches now face the same kind of historical reckoning that Nazi Germany did after its defeat in 1945: an awakening to their own criminal nature.


On April 20, 2007, Canada and those churches suffered a fundamental moral defeat in Parliament, when the first cabinet minister in Canadian history publicly acknowledged that untold thousands of children had died in Christian Indian residential schools.

Hidden From History Website - itccs.org - Hidden From History: Untold Story of Aboriginal Genocide YouTube Channel - Carlisle Indian Industrial SchoolMore here