31 Oct 2009

Illuminati Symbolism in Washington DC

Washington DC is covered in illuminati symbolism.David Icke helps expose the symbolism hidden in the street designs.

Featured in the new Dan Brown book: The Lost Symbol

Washington D.C. was designed by Pierre Charles L'Enfant. President George Washington appointed L'Enfant in 1791 to design the new capital city (later named the City of Washington) under the supervision of three Commissioners, whom Washington had appointed to oversee the planning and development of the ten-mile square of federal territory that would later become the District of Columbia. Thomas Jefferson, who worked alongside President Washington in overseeing the plans for the capital, sent L'Enfant a letter outlining his task, which was to provide a drawing of suitable sites for the federal city and the public buildings. Though Jefferson had modest ideas for the Capital, L'Enfant saw the task as far more grandiose, believing he was not only locating the capital, but also included devising the city plan and designing the buildings.

More on The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media by Michael Tsarion