8 Oct 2007

Interpol Director weeps at lack of terror war funding


Ron Noble, the head of the international police coordinating organization known as Interpol, appeared on CBS's 60 Minutes for an emotional discussion about how he believes his agency is being underfunded and underutilized in US efforts to combat terror.

"I get up every day, you know, and I think about how can I make the US understand this," a clearly emotional Noble continued. " And I just can't. I can't, I can't. "

Later in the interview, with tears in his eyes, the Interpol chief warned of the consequences of marginalizing his organization.

"My neck is out there with this interview," Noble concluded. "And after this interview I'll go back to working like I do every other day, but I'll know that there's nothing that I held back.

The video is from CBS's 60 Minutes, broadcast on October 7, 2007:

The Raw Story | Interpol Director weeps at lack of terror war funding