27 Feb 2017

Fukushima out of control

Thousands march in Moscow two years after Putin foe killed

Thousands of Russians march through central Moscow in memory of slain opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, two years after he was shot dead near the Kremlin. (AFP)

23 Feb 2017

14 Feb 2017

Iron Sky

 Paolo Nutini - [Short Film]

2 Feb 2017

Turkey introduces new measures limiting terror attacks broadcasting

"The Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) has introduced new measures limiting broadcasting after terror attacks.
The broadcasters will not be able to use any video footage or photographs of explosions or terror attacks other than those provided by officials. The moment of terror attacks and scenes showing the aftermath of the attack will not be broadcast, as well as the footage that shows people’s fear and panic at the site of the terror attack. The measures also state that correspondents and anchors will not be permitted to “use exaggerated statements involving agitation.” The ban on broadcasting the scene of attacks includes showing fire department vehicles, police vehicles, ambulance footage, witness accounts, officials at the scene, and evidence-collecting work. No information regarding where the incident took place and no map of the scene will be permitted to be shown, neither will be the names of terrorist organizations suspected of carrying out the attack."

1 Feb 2017


David Lynch (1984) (or here)