A fishing boat crowded with more than 100 African migrants capsized at least twice while sailing to Spain's Canary Islands, spilling passengers and leaving scores dead as survivors drifted for about 10 days without food or water, officials said Monday.
Thousands of illegal migrants have reached the Canary Islands this year -- many leaving from coastal African countries such as Senegal and Mauritania. Hundreds have died this year in their attempts to navigate rough seas in their open, outboard-powered craft.
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According to the following press review at leat 5.742 people have died since 1988 along the european frontiers. Among them 1.844 were missing in the sea
In the Mediterranean sea, and through the Atlantic Ocean towards Spain, 4.560 migrants died. In the Sicily channel 1.883 people died along the routes from Libya and Tunisia to Malta and Italy, including 1.099 missing; 1.615 people died sailing from Mauritania, Morocco and Algeria towards Spain, through the Gibraltar strait or off Canary islands, including 358 missing. Then 449 people died in the Egean sea, between Turkey and Greece, including 208 missing and 474 people died in the Adriatic sea, between Albania, Montenegro and Italy, including 136 missing.
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