3 Oct 2012

Jane Goodall 'Fascinated' By Bigfoot

The most famous primatologist in the world is ape about Bigfoot. Jane Goodall made her name studying chimpanzees in Africa and by discovering that they, like humans, use tools.


Since then, she has been working to preserve their decreasing numbers via the Jane Goodall Insititute. She also admitted to an interest in the mysterious creature known as Bigfoot, Sasquatch or the Yeti. "I'm not going to flat-out deny its existence," Goodall said during an exclusive interview with The Huffington Post before a benefit dinner in La Jolla, Calif. "I'm fascinated and would actually love them to exist. "Of course, it's strange that there has never been a single authentic hide or hair of the Bigfoot, but I've read all the accounts."

More on Huff Post (with video) - Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization