Every year politicians, royalty and CEO’s meet in secret to discuss the fate of the world. This year, you are all invited! 2013 welcomes the first ever Bilderberg Fringe Festival. Taking place between 7th – 9th June in Watford, the festival is a unique, FREE event which will nurture dialogue and discourse about Bilderberg in a peaceful, fun environment – alongside a jam-packed weekend of speakers, comedy, music, workshops, arts and entertainment!
Seeking to stimulate hearts and minds and unite the politically conscious, the event will be a positive platform which harmonises fun with enlightened idea exchanges. The Bilderberg Fringe Festival is an unmissable occasion for conscious citizens from all over the world to join together and have a fantastic party. We are expressing our outrage at this travesty of democracy the only way we know how. By hula-hooping in the sunshine and dancing barefoot in the grass. Except where cows have been. Where Bilderberg is closed, dark and joyless, we are open, happy and free. They may have better spa facilities, but we have better chai.
The Bilderberg conference is an annual, unaccountable, off-the-record summit attended by royalty, politicians, intelligence, Big Pharma, tech, banking and corporate CEOs plus policy-makers and media moguls from all over the world. The press are not invited, nor given any details beyond a participant list and a sketchy agenda. The group was established in 1952. Their first conference took place in 1954, taking its name from the Hotel De Bilderberg which hosted the first meeting.
The group is run by a Steering Committee (which is the Bilderberg Group proper). The Bilderberg Group’s own website is incorrect as it maintains that the conference is the group’s only activity through-out the year, when in fact the 39-strong Steering Committee meets four times a year.