27 Oct 2011

Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin promotes call for Palestinian genocide

In a blog post cheering the release of the captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, neoconservative activist Rachel Decter Abrams descended into a twisted call for genocide, calling for Israel to throw released Palestinian prisoners whom she described as "child sacrificing savages" and "unmanned animals" -- along with "their offspring" -- "into the sea, to float there, food for sharks."


Abrams is a board member of the right-wing Emergency Committee for Israel, which recently produced baseless ads claiming the Occupy Wall Street movement is anti-Semitic. The Washington Post's neoconservative "Right Turn" blogger Jennifer Rubin is one of Abrams' closest allies in the media. As soon as Abrams tweeted out a link to her exterminationist blog post, Rubin -- whose Twitter account is "JRubinBlogger" -- retweeted it to her followers, clearly approving of its content. Indeed, Rubin is not known for using Twitter to simply curate news and opinions.

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